normally I'm not very good in saying thank but I like to take the opportunity to say here 'Thank you' to a few people which infloenced my diving life!

First of all there is my beloved Father 'Berny' who gave me the possibilities to start diving in a very early age and supported me allways with his full energy. I learned so much, not only in diving, from him that it would be far too much to mention everything here. My father passed away in 2010 but his ghost will be with me for ever!

Being the best friend of my father means also being the best friend of mine. Miltiadis Michaelidis better know as 'Milto' is far more than a little crazy greek guy. When you have a closer look he is a very wise man who is a very big heart, sometimes too big. There are so many good and as well funny stories I could tell about him but beleave me he has way more stories to tell....

by luck I met in 2011 on Velidhu Island in the maldives Mr. Shimizu from Japan. JUN as a japanese underwater photographer. In normal circumstances we would never ever have found a way to each other just by language barries but somehow there was from the very beginning a connection where the language doesn't matter. He became a very good friend of mine and brought me more and more into underwater photographity. One of these guys in your life you can understand with out talking...

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there are many other to mention. I will add more and more to this list... stay tuned..