Hello and welcome to my Website.For those who don't know me I like to introduce myself a little bit.

I was born on January 14th 1979 in Cloppenburg, a small Town in the Northwest of Germany.

I was lucky to start diving in a very early stage of my due that my Father was diving Instructor by himself. During family vacation in the spanish diving eldorado L'Estartit in gained my first underwater experiances and was hooked from the first moment.

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1997 was a big step in my life. I became 18 years old and finished my Scuba Instructor Course in the lake of Konstanz in south germany. In the beginning I was teaching mostly in the cold lakes Germany had to offer before I moved in 2004 to Egypt to make diving to a fulltime job. A decision which I never regred.

Between 2005 and 2010 I managed a little dive center in germany before I left 2011 again from germany to work in the maldives.
